Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Nation's History

The national identity issue can only be resolved
if our history is rewritten as one continuous
history of Indonesia- and not divided in Animist,
Hindu, Buddhist, Islam and Christian or Western
phases. Our children must be proud of this
nation's history right from the dawn of
civilization, its achievements in the past
and the beauty of its culture.
By Anand Krishna...

Belajar bo...

Harus belajr tiap hari ...ampyun deh :)
Belajar kompi biar gak gaptek, banyak baca buku, belajar nulis, belajar prospecting...wuih...hihihi
Koleksi bukukyu gak jelas deh, dari mulai buku tentang kesehatan, kecantikan, masakan ( hah!!!), merajut, bikin perhiasan, cerita anak-anak Enyd Blyton cs, novel-novel...
Wah...ketahuan kalo pemiliknya gak fokus, kalo ke toko buku suka meleng sana-sini.